Brogniezstraat 54, 1070 Anderlecht

Van maandag t/m vrijdag van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur

A tale in three languages

Over the past few years, Maks vzw has set up a specific operation for people of Roma origin. With this project, we guide jobseekers of Roma origin towards the labour market.
We tackle this through one-to-one counselling and collective workshops adapted to the target group. This operation achieves brilliant results. We were able to achieve these results thanks to the commitment of our team members and our approach to our job seekers’ mother tongue: Romanian or Bulgarian.

Next year, we will expand this successful project and also broaden it to include Syrian people with a Roma background. After all, a large number of people with this background live in Anderlecht. Counselling and provision of services to this target group is limited. Maks wants to tackle this and use our accumulated expertise from 2021 to support and guide this group into work as well.

The Roma operation achieved great results thanks to the team’s commitment and by addressing jobseekers in their mother tongue

European Social Fund ambassadorship

With our ESF – ROM project, we were nominated for the ESF Ambassadorship last year. Unfortunately, we were not elected Ambassador by the professional jury. However, a nomination also deserves a celebration. This is due to the great commitment of our colleagues working on this project. After all, with the ROM project we achieve very good results with a rather vulnerable target group. In this way, we actually create a first chance on the labour market for them. We will continue this good practice during the coming year and expand it in 2021.