Doctor, I forgot my password!

Our customers constantly ask for help with tablets, laptops and smartphones because repair costs are expensive. However, sometimes repair itself is not necessary and you just need good advice.
But no complaining, there is our Digidokter, giving you advice and help. We used to do this successfully in Anderlecht’s bib. That is why we launched “DigiDoctor” in autumn.
Every first Thursday of the month, a team of multimedia animators and ICT technicians sit together at the local service centre Cosmos vzw in Jorezstraat and have a consultation hour.
The Digidoctors welcome people who have problems with their PC, tablet or smartphone. Our ICT experts diagnose, refer to specialised (and approved) services, or solve problems on the spot. And while ICT experts handle the technical aspect, multimedia animators assist people with their software and the use of the device.
It is a middle ground between our Open Studio and a Repair Café. We offer accessible (free) advice and look for a solution together with the client. A solution that he/she can then apply on his/her own.
The venue, Cosmos vzw’s café is open to all, with or without drinks or snacks at social rates. This cooperation between 2 services of Maks also has an internal added value; it allows our animators to further develop their technical knowledge, and the employees of the ICT Support service to further sharpen their communication and pedagogical skills. So win-win for both the neighbourhood and Maks.
And yes, it is much needed because the digital gap still exists in a neighbourhood like Cureghem.
Every first Thursday of the month, the Digidoctors are on post at the Jorez building from 2pm