Engaging in digital interaction

Besides our website, you can now find our activities on Linkedin & Facebook. On our instagram accounts, you can find out all about Maks youth and our digibibib and soon the full catalogue of services offered by Maks vzw. A newsletter is also regularly mailed out to partners.
With this digital ecosystem, we want to inform but also recruit the broadest audience possible. In that way all the aforementioned audiences can find out what Maks represents and find their way to us both digitally and in analogue.
Bright future for our digital channels
We see from the numbers of our digital channels that there is still a lot of potential. Every day, the number of followers and engagement are increasing. The analysis of these figures tells us that the public mainly wants to know who Maks is, what kind of training we provide and how we approach digital inclusion.
There is certainly still room to optimise our Vimeo channel for partners and stakeholders. This contains a lot of content today thanks to our knowledge of Digital Storytelling. We provide regular training on it, and use this method so that our various audiences can tell their stories themselves. The result is a short video that tells a personal story.
A very powerful application of this is using storytelling to create a video CV. The recruiter is taken into the jobseeker’s world for about 3 minutes and discovers his/her personality, experiences and competences. The barrier of getting a job is broken down thanks to the power of a personal story.
Maks also does difficult situations and proves it
Communicating successfully with a hard-to-reach audience remains a challenge. It requires a mix of personal touch and digital know-how. Our full classrooms and satisfied trainees do prove that this approach works.
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