Prove your digital competences

Digital inclusion, partly due to the pandemic, entered the agenda of everyone; from politicians, to government agents and those living on the street. Services like health insurance, trade union, bank branches are closing their doors and and services are provided through digital channels. If you are not digitally literate, you are literally and figuratively behind closed doors.
The TOSA test (Test On Software Applications) attests the student’s level based on the DigiComp 2.0 competences. This set of 21 competences has been defined at European level. After all, the objective of the European governments is to bring all European citizens up to this (basic) digital level.
You can compare the TOSA test to a European digital driving licence, which gives an overall picture of the participant’s digital skills. The trainee takes the test at an accredited centre in Isograd. To pass the basic level, the trainee must achieve a score of 25%. The average score among our trainees is 55.3%, so they pass comfortably and exceed the basic level. The learners who fail are often those who do not understand the finer details of the language. They do have the necessary digital skills but their poor reading comprehension makes passing the test impossible.
Our target group is long-term jobseekers and people living on benefits. This is why we organise training courses in collaboration with the CPAS, the PWA of Anderlecht and Bruxelles Formation. This target group often has no access to a PC or the Internet (first-degree digital divide) or lacks the skills to use their PC or smartphone efficiently (second-degree digital divide). In this case, they can borrow materials from us for the duration of their classes. They can also visit our Public Computer Rooms.
The training courses in cooperation with the CPAS and the PWA of Anderlecht consist of two modules. In the first module, trainees learn basic computer skills and the necessary software. The second module deals with job search and the digital tools that can help them do so. In this way, we empower participants to play an active digital role in their own journey and continue their search autonomously via the computer. The final step within the second module, is the creation of a video CV, an additional tool to boost the job search and combat discrimination in the recruitment process.
After this 3-step process, participants are more than welcome to be guided individually by our job counsellors and receive additional support where needed. This also allows us to move on and work on additional support, such as administrative issues, housing or childcare.
A total of 67 participants, spread over 9 modules, completed this entire Parcours PC course, accounting for 5,220 hours. On top of this, each trainee is entitled to about 30 hours of additional individual interactive exercises that they can carry out autonomously.
Passing the TOSA test
30 Participants
2100 Participant hours
Bruxelles Formation
27 Participants
1620 Participant hours
10 Participants
1500 Participant hours
Partners have their say
“The PWA of Anderlecht has chosen to organise regular training with Maks vzw because the trainees feel they are really well supported. At Maks vzw, vulnerable groups can enjoy a personalised trajectory that takes into account their knowledge, experience, but also their gaps or language barriers. Maks vzw thus adapts to the individuals. Almost half of our group found work after the training. Great cooperation!”
Christelle Gryp
Coordinator PWA Anderlecht
“We greatly appreciated this collaboration because we currently do not have such a training module ourselves. Thus, our users learnt to use digital tools in their job search. The time we have available as integration agents in the CPAS does not allow us to go deeper into job search. The training courses offered to us via the PAS service and Maks vzw have been a real added value for the jobseekers waiting for a job opportunity with us in the framework of art. 60§7. Moreover, we note that looking for a job online is not so obvious, even for those who already have some digital skills. Thanks to these trainings, they were really able to do this independently. In addition, the close and constructive cooperation with Maks vzw was also much appreciated.”
Stéphanie De Wolf Willo
Insertion Socio Professionnelle OCMW Anderlecht