The creation of an operation based on the target group

Maks Adults is a combination of two operations at Maks. At Maks Werk, we find that the need for digital skills is strong within their target group. On the other hand, at Maks Digital, we also see jobseekers who would like to receive guidance towards employment. By combining both operations, we can easily help our job-seeking clients with basic classes and digital inclusion workshops.
In 2021, our operation will also expand in terms of infrastructure. After all, our consultants from Active Job Search and ALFA to Work will be able to meet you in a new location. They moved to the Jorez building on Clemenceau. Moreover, AZW is also organised at the same time in Molenbeek. Our Rom operation will move to 36 Georges Moreau Street. Our classes in Anderlecht will not only be organised in our headquarters at 110 rue Georges Moreaustraat, but also in all other premises.
Last year, our adult operation grew. This growth will continue in 2021. Initially, we will extend our ESF – ROM project, a project to integrate people of Roma origin into the labour market, with the aim of including Syrian ROM. Furthermore, we will also launch an Actiris Antenna – AZW (Active Job Search) in 2021 in Molenbeek, 22 Mommaertstraat.
COVID-19 had a major impact on our operations; mainly due to the mandatory and necessary suspension of our activities to get the virus under control. The need for basic access to digital information and skills among our target audience thus emerged very strongly. Thanks to our teams and thanks to the support of several public authorities, we have managed to provide many families from Anderlecht with Internet access, thereby meeting their urgent demand for digital information. Examples include the laptops we handed out, the iPads we made user-friendly, the free internet access we provided, the computer problems helpdesk we set up, and so on.