Brogniezstraat 54, 1070 Anderlecht

Van maandag t/m vrijdag van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur

Two minutes to talk about yourself: Video CV


A video CV has a triple impact. It is a victory over discrimination and prejudice. It promotes the recruitment of underskilled jobseekers and it also boosts self-confidence.


Over 3 days, we work in groups around talents and competences. Participants talk about themselves. A good preparation for the job interview. This is followed by an on-camera interview with a focus on positive experiences. A perfect frame, careful lighting and good sound, and the camera turns. The editing: two minutes of essential and beautiful footage.


An endearing image and an empathetic employer.

“It was my first time in front of the camera. I was shivering and stressed. At the end, I forgot about the camera. I was super happy to overcome my fear. And the result is as beautiful as on television.”