Brogniezstraat 54, 1070 Anderlecht

Van maandag t/m vrijdag van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur


Media Actie Kuregem -Stad

About us

Maks asbl is located in Cureghem, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Brussels. The majority of the population is of first, second or third generation migration. Maks vzw does pioneering work in the field of digital inclusion for adults and young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods in the Brussels Canal Zone. In addition to various training programs, we also offer specific and targeted support to our target groups.

Maks vzw regularly guides and organizes pathways in the context of specific projects. Explanation of related projects and trajectories.

Our services

Maks youth

This project develops digital inclusion activities for children aged between 8 and 15. These activities are varied and aim to give children the basics and tools to become active players in the multimedia and IT fields. Children are introduced to coding and gradually evolve to create games and animations using the Scratch application. For multimedia, they learn how to design, film and edit short videos.

Maks for adults

Maks for adults is a project to help the adult community with digital inclusion. This covers all levels, from operating a computer to operating excel, for example. A sub-project of maks adult is the alpha project that aims to help people get jobs. To this end, maks gives courses to the alpha (illiterate) and then, through steps, coaching, etc., helps them find jobs more easily.

General management

Maks for adults is a project to help the adult community with digital inclusion. This covers all levels, from operating a computer to operating excel, for example. A sub-project of maks adult is the alpha project which aims to help m

Every year we produce our annual report to show what Maks vzw does.

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