Brogniezstraat 54, 1070 Anderlecht

Van maandag t/m vrijdag van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur

Hello PC, introduce yourself

Hello PC’s radicalisation prevention team Mariano, Martin and Harald help young people become more aware of digital devices, in four online lessons. For this purpose, 40 laptops were distributed to young people aged 16 to 25 within the P&V project.
Martin shared practical info about online collaboration. Mariano drastically reduced his personal digital usage, keeping a diary to share his experience in “digital minimalism” with the class participants afterwards.

To help counter the pandemic of “smartphone neck” among young people, Harald gives a lesson with tips for physical and mental well-being when using digital devices. For the final lesson, Harald and Mariano join forces to share their practical experience around the topics of previous lessons.

When teaching the lessons, it soon became clear that we had only just scratched the surface. In today’s times, there is immense potential to make people aware, not just the young, but everyone living in a society where living without technology is not an option. Therefore, the team is very excited to further develop the content of the lessons and share it with a wider audience.