Brogniezstraat 54, 1070 Anderlecht

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SOS PC: Maks in times of Corona

From March 2020, our country, and by extension our organisation, was in lockdown. Everything had to go on online. During the lockdown, it became very clear that our target audience is in dire need of support to make their way to the digital world.
Before that, Maks Adults set up an operation to support people with actions and advice on computer problems. The team also committed to providing laptops to families who did not have computers, to ensure internet access and to provide online access to residents of care centres in Brussels. To achieve this, iPads were configured with simple apps and clear buttons. Through these initiatives, we managed to help our target audience during the lockdown.

Video CV

Maks is committed to providing digital support to its customers. We do this by creating a digital portfolio. A key component, especially for those jobseekers who have problems writing, which gives them the chance to represent their skills visually. Maks creates a video CV with market-focused customers. In it, the job seeker himself explains where his motivation and skills lie. To view some of the highlights, please refer to our Vimeo channel


Video CV for you or your clients

If you are an individual or partner interested in creating a video CV, please contact


Often, jobseekers do not find where to show their (Video) CV or the right way to market themselves. Outside coaching within the various projects, Maks also actively engages in this. Maks takes the Video – CVs to employers in a wider network to promote the customers and thus offer a wider reach to its customers.

Webinar Teachers

During the lockdown, we also noticed that there was a great need for guidance on how to deliver online education and lessons. To address this need, Maks organised a webinar on digital learning for teachers and social sector professionals. Through this successful webinar, Maks made its expertise on the topic available to our wider network.

Tablets for home

Elderly people in care homes became isolated during the lockdown. Indeed, the residents of residential care centres did not have sufficient digital knowledge to connect with their family and friends via the net.

So during the lockdown, care centres in Brussels asked CIRB for help to make their residents digitally inclusive. Webinar Teachers The team at Maks configured tablets for each home with big icons and easy software. These tablets were then delivered to the individual centres. Maks subsequently provided online instructions and lessons for care home staff to help residents jump into the digital.

The team committed to providing laptops to families who did not have computers