Brogniezstraat 54, 1070 Anderlecht

Van maandag t/m vrijdag van 9.00 tot 17.00 uur

Well-being at work

Maks has an occupational wellbeing group, with elected staff representatives. This working group organised the application of all Covid measures and also set up other actions.
Thus, during the first lockdown, 3 colleagues took the initiative to sew mouth masks. Each colleague was given 2 cloth mouth masks. In September, the study group also set about conducting a staff survey.

Every 2 years, Maks vzw organises a staff satisfaction survey. This survey identifies areas for improvement regarding well-being at work.

Based on the results, the managers of each department take targeted and concrete measures, in consultation with employees, to improve working atmosphere and conditions.

This year, the chosen themes are: empowerment and engagement, evaluations, investment in the employee, valorisation, the employer-employee relationship, customer satisfaction, the working environment and training. The survey is, of course, anonymous and is done using a google form. The results have been analysed and the measures will be implemented in early 2021.