Developing talent in the workplace

The Graphics Bureau is a jumpstart to regular work. Motivated aspiring designers and web developers can join the agency for one to two years in a real working environment. During their time at Maks vzw, they prepare for their professional future. In the workplace, they learn to deal with real clients, professional material and tight deadlines. The starting point is an individual engagement plan and the end point is a portfolio of realisations for clients. Feedback and evaluation on hard and soft skills are the two keywords. Each client assignment is placed in the professional hands of our coaches Hamadou Ka, Johan Serck and Bart De Troy, who are well versed in the graphics and IT world. They guide the trainees in carrying out these assignments and are assisted by Cornelia Neuner, in charge of sales and customers.
Workplace learning: the journey
During their training, our employees build a portfolio, the basis for their own personal website. We map out the learning path together and during planned intervals we organise feedback, evaluations and adjustments if necessary. At the end of their programme, they actively look for vacancies, in cooperation with the programme supervisor. They learn to write a cover letter, prepare an appropriate CV or make a video CV.
During the work experience, we emphasise on technical proficiency like mastering the relevant software – their tools. We also pay attention to typography, creating a print-ready PDF, archiving their production and recording working hours. After all, these are key competences that make the difference when looking for a job. Admittedly, there is always a relationship between quality, speed and budget, the three pillars of any project. But we aim first and foremost to deliver quality work and only then to train on speed of execution and production rhythm. This is not always easy. During a creative process, our staff members in training are expected to explore their own limits.
At the agency, we encourage people to push these by providing guidance, advice and space. They step out of the security of workplace learning and step by step they climb up. It is a process of trial and error. A multi-step process: intensive guidance at the start, supportive coaching and finally the journey to autonomous work in consultation with colleagues.
Since 1999, the Graphic Agency has experienced undeniable growth. We organise work experience, education, adapted work and coaching for people who are far from the labour market. Today, we can proudly state that an average of 60% of them find a job within six months of following the pathway.
A tailor-made learning path, with feedback, evaluations and adjustment, increases the chances of a successful exit.
“At Maks Graphic Agency, I learned to work better in a team. I was able to further develop my vision of graphic research and work and improve my knowledge of software programmes thanks to the skills of all my colleagues.”
“Graphic Office Maks is my first work experience. The job market demands responsibility, seriousness, punctuality and perseverance. At Maks, you have to be professional and responsible, but there is a good relationship between colleagues. Making a mistake at work is not fatal, but a moment to learn.”
“My experience was very positive. I got a chance to work on various projects. I learnt new techniques, ideas and possibilities. The colleagues are very nice and friendly and always willing to share their experiences and help you. This is very reassuring and gives a feeling of being well surrounded. Thank you to the whole team!”