Brogniezstraat 54, 1070 Anderlecht

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Practices: a European project for the prevention of radicalisation

Since 2017, Maks has been working on a methodology using digital storytelling in the context of preventing youth radicalisation. This is part of a Horizon 2020 project led by the University of Toulouse.
In 2019, we organised several pilot projects in Belgium. The aim was to disseminate this methodology in several European cities by 2020. Upon an invitation from the city of Nice, a facilitator from Maks vzw went on a trip to this city. Aim: to use the methodology of digital storytelling as a possible tool to work around radicalisation. An experiment with young teenagers from two social centres in difficult neighbourhoods.

Working around identity is the central theme during these workshops. Our intervention in Nice is an opportunity to promote digital storytelling, familiarise professionals in the field with this form of work, so that they can then share it with other actors in the field.

We have also experimented with young people in practice so that workers can get a concrete picture of the outcome and benefits of the tool. Every young person is given the opportunity to express their identity through this methodology. The digital storylines enable participants to contemplate and express themselves.

In concrete terms

A total of 17 young people, aged between 11 and 16, participated in this experiment. The young people found the workshop very interesting. They participated actively, enthusiastically and voluntarily. Some of them had a wrong and negative image of themselves. The activity enabled them to discover themselves and talk about their identity in a positive way, without judging or blaming. In the process, they develop more self-esteem.